For Instant IT Support
For Instant IT Support

Need help setting up your Mobile Device?

Getting help for your new mobile device is as easy as 1-2-3.

Call today and get your very own I.T. Geek to help setup and configure your new mobile device.

These are just some of the mobile devices we can help with:

Mobile Phones


Smart Watches

Ring! Ring it's the TELEPHONE.

Popular belief reckons that Alexander Bell was the first person to create the telephone. This unfortunately is not true as an American named Meucci invented it way back in the 1830’s. And it’s fascinating to see how and where mobile technology will take us.

There are all kinds of mobile devices out there that help us improve our lives, help us communicate better, or better yet, help us get home by clicking on a button to call a Taxi.

Certainly things have changed since Bell improved things for us.
Enough of the History lesson. You’ve landed on this page because you need help setting up your mobile device and you can’t make sense of the technology? Syncing your laptop or computer and doing it correctly seems like something that should be placed in the ‘too hard basket’?
You don’t have to worry any longer as our I.T. Super Powered Geeks can help you with the following;

We setup your mobile device correctly.

  • Getting a new phone is so exciting however setting it up correctly can be difficult and confusing. Getting one of our technicians out to setup your device is a wise investment. We can setup the device correctly, transfer data from your old device, and ensure that device backups are scheduled.
  • So whether it’s email you’re chasing, listening to your favorite song, or protecting the 1000’s of photo you take, we can help.

Show you the IN's and OUT's of your mobile device.

  • We show you how to get the most out of your mobile device.
  • Explain in-depth of how to install new applications.
  • Help you understand some of the cool features your device may have.
  • and we could help you find your device if you happen to lose it.

Sync your mobile to your Laptop or PC

  • You want access to all your personal pictures, songs, and email from anywhere in the world. We help setup your phone to ensure it synchronises across all devices.

How do we work?


Oh no! You realise there you’ve bought a new phone or tablet and haven’t the first clue of how to set it up?

At this point you need assistance from one of our Geeks.


Use your phone to ring us on 1300 738 570


Fill out the contact form below at the bottom of this page.


We ask a few questions to better understand the problem you’re faced with.

Send help

We then dispatch one of our Internet technicians to your Home or Office.​



Save the day!

We get your device completely setup or fixed. Simple.
We accept DEBIT or CREDIT Cards.


With over 350 technicians spread out all across Australia, we able to help you setup your new device, transfer your personal data, fix it if something happens to go wrong, or just patiently hold your hand if you feel nervous about using one.


Mobile device on the Fritz? Or just need it set up?

Fill out the form below to get one of our I.T. Super Heroes to ring you to discuss your options, pricing, and book a computer technician.

Did we mention it offer a same-day service?

Gift an IT Support Hero!

How often do you get calls from your desperate friends and loved ones looking for IT help?

With these holidays, why not gift your loved ones a card that gives them computer support on demand? Reducing your anxiety and allowing you to relax easier in 2023.

Click ‘Shop Gift Cards‘ to see our range.

Please read the terms and conditions.

Call 1300 738 570

For Instant IT Support
© 2022 Buzz A Geek (Pty) Ltd.
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We Are Hiring

We are growing fast and looking for excellent, I.T. minded people to join our team.

To support and develop our ever expanding team, we are currently hiring in the following positions:

Call Center Agents

I.T. Technicians